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Whether you are a seasoned airshow professional or just starting in the industry – the NWCAS conference is your ticket to educational events, promotional opportunities, networking and of course, our renowned social events!

Best Practices Brainstorm

These interactive sessions provide you with access to the expertise of a number of show professionals. From marketing, sponsorship, traffic and gates or air ops our panel discussions gives you direct contact to those with years of experience and best practices in their area of specialty.

Performer’s Showcase

The performers showcase has become a staple of the conference. Any performer that would like their 2 minutes at the mic, can present their act to our Northwest airshow audience. Whether you are a veteran performer or new to the circuit – this is your chance to market!

Keynote Speakers

Hear from entertaining speakers from the aviation industry on a variety of topics. Some will inspire you, some will make you laugh but most importantly they are speaking on area of interest to all of us – aviation


For many years we have appreciated the support of 1 Canadian Air Division, the Canadian Forces Snowbirds and the USAF Air Combat Command at our conference. Each agency will provide you with the latest updates on process and procedures for their show season. This is also a great opportunity to network if you are a new show or looking to add a military aspect to your event.

Having Fun

And if none of the above appeal to you, just attend the conference for our social events. Catch up with your airshow friends and family, meet new ones, and have some fun. We have added new networking segments to the conference!